Some unknown hackers have recently attacked Travelex foreign exchange company using REvil ransomware. This trojan employs simple but efficient obfuscation techniques that conceal its WinAPI calls from the victim. Let’s see how the encoder works.
“Luke, I am your fuzzer”. Automating vulnerability management
Fuzzing is all the rage. It is broadly used today by programmers testing their products, cybersecurity researchers, and, of course, hackers. The use of fuzzers requires a good understanding of their work principles. These top-notch tools make it possible to identify previously unknown vulnerabilities in various applications. In this article, I will address different fuzzing types and show how to use one of them, WinAFL.
Ghidra vs. IDA Pro. Strengths and weaknesses of NSA’s free reverse engineering toolkit
In March 2019, the National Security Agency of the US Department of Defense (NSA) has published Ghidra, a free reverse engineering toolkit. A couple of years ago, I had read about it on WikiLeaks and was eager to lay hands on the software used by the NSA for reverse engineering. Now the time has come to satisfy our curiosity and compare Ghidra with other tools.
Software für das Cracken von Software. Auswahl von Tools für das Reverse Engineering
Jeder Reverse Engineer, Malware-Analyst und einfacher Forscher stellt mit der Zeit ein bewährtes Set von Hilfstools zusammen, die er täglich für das Analysieren, Entpacken und Cracken anderer Software verwendet. In diesem Artikel besprechen wir meine. Sie werden für diejenigen nützlich sein, die über kein eigenes Set verfügen und erst mit dem Studium dieses Themas beginnen. Aber auch ein erfahrener Reverse Engineer sollte sich dafür interessieren, was andere Cracker verwenden.
Software for cracking software. Selecting tools for reverse engineering
Every reverse engineer, malware analyst or simply a researcher eventually collects a set of utility software that they use on a daily basis to analyze, unpack, and crack other software. This article will cover mine. It will be useful to anyone who has not yet collected their own toolset and is just starting to look into the subject. However, an experienced reverse engineer must also be curious about what other crackers are using.