Cold boot attack. Dumping RAM with a USB flash drive

Even if you take efforts to protect the safety of your data, don’t attach sheets with passwords to the monitor, encrypt your hard drive, and always lock your computer before leaving it unattended, this doesn’t guarantee that your information is safe. Your RAM can be easily dumped using a simple memory stick, and today I will explain in detail how to do this.
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Kung fu enumeration. Data collection in attacked systems

In penetration testing, there’s a world of difference between reconnaissance (recon) and data collection (enum). Recon involves passive actions; while enum, active ones. During recon, you use only open sources (OSINT), and the target system is not affected in any way (i.e. all actions are performed anonymously). By contrast, at the enumeration (data collection) stage, you interact with the target. This article discusses the data collection stage as an integral component of any pentesting study.
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Lateral movement guide: Remote code execution in Windows

Penetration into the target network is just the first stage of a hacking attack. At the next stage, you have to establish a foothold there, steal users’ credentials, and gain the ability to run arbitrary code in the system. This article discusses techniques used to achieve the above goals and explains how to perform lateral movement in compromised networks.
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