What Challenges To Overcome with the Help of Automated e2e Testing?

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Every good developer will tell you that software development is a complex task. It’s a tricky process requiring lots of time, effort, and impeccable attention to detail. It’s challenging to ensure that all parts of the application work together seamlessly. This is especially true when you have hundreds or even thousands of lines of code to manage.

Therefore, software testing is so important. It is a process that allows developers to identify and fix bugs. They must do this before releasing the software to customers. However, it’s still possible for bugs to slip through the cracks and make their way into your application. It doesn’t matter if you have the best testing strategies in place.

So automated e2e testing can be helpful. It gives you a way to ensure that every feature works correctly. You don’t have to test each one individually manually.

This article will highlight the various challenges e2e testing can help you overcome. It provides a basic overview of how to get started with e2e testing in your applications.

Various Challenges End-to-end Testing Can Solve

Before we start, we need to understand what end-to-end testing is and whether it can guarantee that all component integration, workflows, and user journeys are running as expected. From envisioning what scenarios a user might follow through a web application to ensuring that backend processes are executing properly throughout the entire interaction, e2e tests empower teams to confidently ship products with fewer bugs and glitches. The goal is to ensure that all components work together and will provide the highest quality user experience before releasing a product or service into the market.

E2e testing can help you tackle the following challenges:

Test coverage expansion

E2e testing can help you expand the test coverage of your application. You can include more scenarios in your tests and ensure they are covered. This way, you will catch bugs before they creep into production.

Issues with application health

Your application’s health depends on its components’ health. You can use e2e testing to check whether everything works correctly. This helps avoid issues that arise when some parts of your application stop working.

The multiplicity of bugs and lack of application productivity

Bugs and performance issues are the two primary factors that affect application productivity. To avoid this, you must test your app as much as possible. Testing can help you find issues with the product before they become a problem for users.

Effort and cost issues

Another challenge that end-to-end testing can help you overcome is the effort and cost. You might be surprised to learn that it takes lots of effort to test an application manually. However, e2e testing automation can reduce that effort considerably.

Slow and unreliable tests

Another challenge that developers face is the speed of testing. It takes a long time to test manually, especially when you add more and more features to your app. Automated end-to-end tests can help you overcome this challenge. This is because they run faster than manual testing.

No clear understanding of the user experience

The users are the ultimate judge of your application. You cannot deliver value if they don’t understand how to use your software. End-to-end testing automation can clearly understand the user experience. This helps you identify any issues before they become problems in production.

Failing to catch regressions

Regressions are previously fixed bugs that come back after you change your code. They can cause issues in your application and create an unpleasant user experience. End-to-end testing automation helps prevent regressions. It ensures that any new code breaks nothing from the past.

Flaky tests

Tests that fail randomly are called flaky tests. Flaky tests can cause you to spend valuable time debugging them. This means you won’t get as much done as you otherwise would. End-to-end testing automation helps prevent flaky tests. It gives you more insight into what causes them and how to fix them.

How to Implement End-To-End Testing

So, you know the various challenges e2e testing can help you overcome. But how do you implement this type of testing? Here are some tips on how to do it:

Identify Your Most Important Tests

End-to-end testing can be a lot of work. However, it’s essential to identify your most important tests. This will help you get started quickly. It can also save you time and money in the long run. This is because it allows you to focus on only the most critical aspects of your application.

Choose a Testing Framework

Once you’ve identified your most important tests, it’s time to choose a testing framework. You can do this by researching the various options available and reading up on how they work. Once you find a good fit, test its features with a sample application before fully adopting it.

Create a Prototype Testing Environment and Process

The next step is to create a prototype testing environment and process. This will allow you to test your application in a realistic setting. You’ll determine if it works as intended before the real thing goes live.

You can create a simple mockup of each page or screen on your site. Then use dummy data to represent what users might enter when interacting with it.


Automated e2e testing helps overcome several challenges in software development. It allows for more efficient and thorough testing. This is because the entire flow of the application can be automatically executed. This lets you check for any errors or bugs.

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