Encoder for Android: сomplete software anatomy

Date: 12/02/2016

Until recently, based on the results of surveys and personal experience, I had the impression that users believe that the value of data stored on a device greatly exceeds the cost of the device itself. Why until recently? Well, the current US dollar exchange rate means that I haven’t seen such surveys among new iPhone users :).

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How to keep an eye on someone through an Android phone without bothering the owner

Date: 15/10/2015

Everyone cares about their significant others' security. We all know that feeling when your calls are not answered and your Whatsapp messages not marked as read. In a moment like that you would do a lot to have any idea what is happening there. Although cell phone carriers offer geolocation services to locate another user, knowing your girlfriend is somewhere in the middle of Main Street will barely help. So what can we do about it?

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