Log4HELL! Everything you must know about Log4Shell

Date: 01/06/2022

Up until recently, just a few people (aside from specialists) were aware of the Log4j logging utility. However, a vulnerability found in this library attracted to it a great attention from researches nowadays. Let’s take a closer look at the origin and operation mechanism of this bug and examine the available exploits to it.
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Fastest shot. Optimizing Blind SQL injection

Date: 04/04/2022

Being employed with BI.ZONE, I have to exploit Blind SQL injection vulnerabilities on a regular basis. In fact, I encounter Blind-based cases even more frequently than Union- or Error-based ones. But how to raise the efficiency of such attack? This article provides an overview of approaches used to exploit Blind SQL injection and techniques expediting the exploitation.
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Elephants and their vulnerabilities. Most epic CVEs in PostgreSQL

Date: 04/04/2022

Once a quarter, PostgreSQL publishes minor releases containing vulnerabilities. Sometimes, such bugs make it possible to make an unprivileged user a local king superuser. To fix them, Postgres DBAs release patches simultaneously with the updates and sleep peacefully. However, many forks share a large codebase with PG and remain vulnerable! I reviewed the historical Postgres CVEs in search of interesting security holes and found plenty of exciting stuff there.
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Timeline of everything. Collecting system events with Plaso

Date: 16/02/2022

As you are likely aware, forensic analysis tools quickly become obsolete, while hackers continuously invent new techniques enabling them to cover tracks! As a result, valiant DFIR (Digital Forensics and Incident Response) fighters suffer fiascoes on a regular basis. So, I suggest to put aside the outdated (but no less sharp Scalpel) for now and look around for new tools.
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