First contact. Attacks against contactless cards

Contactless payment cards are very convenient: you just tap the terminal with your card, and a few seconds later, your phone rings indicating that the transaction is completed. But this convenience has a downside: malefactors can steal money from such cards. This article provides an overview of methods used to hack NFC (near-field communication) payment cards.
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Secrets of V8 Engine. Dissecting Chrome on a Hack The Box virtual machine

No, this article isn’t about motor cylinders and valves – it’s about Google V8 Engine used in Chromium and Android. Today, I will show how to hack it on RopeTwo, the most hardcore VM on Hack The Box. Concurrently, you will learn what types of data are used in this engine, how to manipulate them in order to drop an exploit, how to use V8 debugging tools, what it WebAssembly, and how can it be used to penetrate into the RopeTwo shell.
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