Challenge the Keemaker! How to bypass antiviruses and inject shellcode into KeePass memory

Recently, I was involved with a challenging pentesting project. Using the KeeThief utility from GhostPack, I tried to extract the master password for the open-source KeePass database from the process memory. Too bad, EDR was monitoring the system and prevented me from doing this: after all, KeeThief injects shellcode into a remote process in a classical oldie-goodie way, and in 2022, such actions have no chance to go unnoticed.
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Vulnerable Java. Hacking Java bytecode encryption

Java code is not as simple as it seems. At first glance, hacking a Java app looks like an easy task due to a large number of available decompilers. But if the code is protected by bytecode encryption, the problem becomes much more complicated. In this article, I will explain in detail how to circumvent this protection mechanism.
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Climb the heap! Exploiting heap allocation problems

Some vulnerabilities originate from errors in the management of memory allocated on a heap. Exploitation of such weak spots is more complicated compared to ‘regular’ stack overflow; so, many hackers security researchers have no idea how to approach them. Even the Cracking the Perimeter (OSCE) course doesn’t go beyond a trivial rewrite of SEH. In this article, I will explain the heap mechanics and show how to exploit its vulnerabilities.
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