What is memcached?
But at first let us consider a small introduction. So memcached is a free and open high-performance distributed system for caching objects in memory. It is a storage of “key-value” type located in the operating memory and designed for small “portions” of arbitrary data (string values, numerical values, not infrequently serialized objects in the form of string values) such as results of queries to DB, results of API calls or generation of pages. In addition, memcached is a fully open development, is assembled and operated under UNIX, Windows, OS X and distributed under an open license. It is used by many popular web projects, for example, LiveJournal, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. It is a normal network service with host-base authentication, which is operated in loopback interface on port 11211. memcached daemon supports UDP- and TCP-sockets and provides two different protocols for interaction with itself: text and binary. I suppose that this is all what we are to know about the patient so far.