Invisible device. Penetrating into a local network with an ‘undetectable’ hacker gadget

Date: 29/07/2023

Unauthorized access to someone else’s device can be gained not only through a USB port, but also via an Ethernet connection – after all, Ethernet sockets are so abundant in modern offices and public spaces. In this article, I will explain how to penetrate into a local network using a special ‘invisible’ device and how this device operates.
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Evil Ethernet. BadUSB-ETH attack in detail

Date: 07/07/2023

If you have a chance to plug a specially crafted device to a USB port of the target computer, you can completely intercept its traffic, collect cookies and passwords, and hack the domain controller. The attack is delivered over Wi-Fi, and this article explains how to implement it.
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VERY bad flash drive. BadUSB attack in detail

Date: 07/07/2023

BadUSB attacks are efficient and deadly. This article explains how to deliver such an attack, describes in detail the preparation of a malicious flash drive required for it, provides code that must be written on this device, and discusses how to make Windows and Linux users plug your ‘memory stick’ into their computers.
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Cold boot attack. Dumping RAM with a USB flash drive

Date: 08/06/2023

Even if you take efforts to protect the safety of your data, don’t attach sheets with passwords to the monitor, encrypt your hard drive, and always lock your computer before leaving it unattended, this doesn’t guarantee that your information is safe. Your RAM can be easily dumped using a simple memory stick, and today I will explain in detail how to do this.
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