Stratosphere flight. How to crack Struts using an Action app and create a Forward Shell

Date: 19/10/2020

Today, I will show how to conquer the stratosphere – i.e. gain root access on the Stratosphere VM available on Hack The Box CTF grounds. To capture the root flag, I will have to overcome the Apache Struts framework to get an RCE vulnerability in a web app, put to practice the rarely used (but still very useful) Forward Shell remote session concept, highjack a library, and find a way to exploit the eval() function in a treacherous Python script.

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The PWN realm. Modern techniques for stack overflow exploitation

Date: 19/10/2020

The buffer overflow vulnerability is an extremely popular topic on hackers’ forums. In this article, I will provide a universal and practically-oriented ‘introduction’ for enthusiasts studying the basics of low-level exploitation. Using stack overflow as an example, I will address a broad range of topics: from security mechanisms currently used by the GCC compiler to specific features of binary stack overflow exploits.

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Python reverse shell. How to boost your networking capacity with Python scripts

Date: 19/10/2020

In this article, I will show how Python scripts can be used to transmit messages between two computers connected to the web. You may need to perform such an operation while developing an app, pentesting a corporate network, or participating in a CTF challenge. After penetrating into the target machine, you need a mechanism enabling you to give commands to it. This is where a reverse shell comes into play. Let’s write it together.

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Hack in one click. Comparing automated vulnerability scanners

Date: 19/10/2020

Searches for vulnerabilities require special knowledge, extensive experience, and a sixth sense. But what about novice security researchers? They have no experience and cannot gain it because don’t know where to start from. This is where automated vulnerability scanners come into play. In this article, I will present the main types of such programs and explain how to use them.

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Compressed Token Format (CTF). One-time passwords, LDAP injections, and tricks with 7z archiver

Date: 19/10/2020

Today, I will explain how to hack the CTF virtual machine available on Hack The Box training grounds. For the purposes of this article, the abbreviation “CTF” refers to Compressed Token Format, not Capture the Flag. This VM is vulnerable to various types of LDAP injections, while its authentication mechanism is based on stoken, a generator of one-time passwords. In addition, the target machine uses a loose Bash script, and I will exploit it to fool the 7z archiver and gain root access.

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Ghostcat. How to exploit a new RCE vulnerability in Apache Tomcat

Date: 19/10/2020

This article addresses a vulnerability in Apache Tomcat that enables the attacker to read files on the server and, under certain conditions, execute arbitrary code. The problem lies in the implementation of the AJP protocol used to communicate with a Tomcat server. Most importantly, the attacker does not need any rights in the target system to exploit this vulnerability.

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