The great mischief. Working your way to the root flag through IPv6 labyrinths on a Hack the Box virtual machine

In this article, I will explain how to gain superuser privileges on Mischief VM available on Hack The Box training grounds. During this journey, you will acquire some SNMP skills, understand the IPv6 routing principles, and learn how to deal with the access control list (ACL) regulating the files and folders permissions. In the end, I will show how to write an ICMP shell in Python and test it.

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The taming of Kerberos. Seizing control over Active Directory on a HackTheBox virtual PC

In this article, I am going to show how to escalate from an unprivileged user to the administrator of the Active Directory domain controller. The demonstration will be performed on a virtual PC available for hacking on the HackTheBox online platform, the place where aspiring hackers polish their pentesting and cybersecurity skills. Of course, this VM is not overly complex, but if you intend to pentest corporate networks, it is very important to learn how to work with Active Directory

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